When you engage two unrelated contractors, one to provide HV Power System Design; and the other to provide Power System Automation or “Power SCADA” System Design, you are actually duplicating much of the design, unnecessarily.
With the Voltex option of “2 Solutions – 1 Company !”, our power system design team from Voltex Power Engineers (VPE) undertake modelling of your HV system (we call this the “digital twin”), then run various “What If ?” scenarios to ensure that equipment is not overloaded, protection settings minimise disruption in event of a fault, and if required, system performance under conditions such as loss of a feeder or generator, and provide a comprehensive report.
If you then engage another supplier to design a “Power Management System”, they invariably collaborate with your team to develop a Functional Design Specification (FDS) and then program a bespoke system to deliver results (hopefully) in accordance with the FDS. Typically there can be an intensive commissioning process as several iterations are tested to ensure design intent.
Voltex Systems & Integration (VSI) would utilise much of the previous Power System Studies as a basis for Power SCADA Management design. As an example, with IEC 61850 systems, the IED Configuration Files combine Protection Settings (VPE), Logic elements (VPE) and Communications Network settings (VSI). No duplication in design!
For higher-level Power Systems Management and Simulation, ETAP provides a Commercial‑off‑the‑shelf (COTS) system Verified and Validated to the strict US Nuclear Industry standards. Your digital twin model is connected directly to the power system via existing or our own SCADA systems. Operators can then safely train off-line on an exact replica of their actual power network.
Voltex Systems & Integration, as a sister company to Voltex Power Engineers, provide consulting and commissioning services solely for Substation Automation Systems. Process Automation is a different discipline, and if these engineers are engaged without extensive experience and understanding of power systems operation and protection, the risks can quickly become catastrophic. IED Networks A critical component of effective SAS is the network design and architecture se
Voltex Systems & Integration is a Registered System Integrator for ETAP Real-Time. If you are already an ETAP user, you probably know the software as a Design and Simulation tool. But, connect the Digital Twin model that you have already created, via existing or ETAP’s own eSCADA HMI tools and voila ! … You have now discovered ETAP Real-Time, the “Operate” mode! Not only will you now be able to validate your model and theoretical simulations,
Schneider Ecostruxure is at the heart of their IoT systems architecture. Digitally connected power systems products such as protection relays, RTUs and other sensors can be securely integrated into Engineering and Maintenance systems, with Edge Control equipment to facilitate power systems management. Voltex Systems & Integration is a SE Registered EcoXpert Partner in Power Automation systems, and together with Voltex Power Engineers can provide complete solutions fr
If your plant is utilising the benefits of AVEVA Engineering platform for design, then you can not only create instrumentation and electrical drawings, schematics and data sheets, but you can also integrate seamlessly with ETAP for detailed calculations and 3D for cable routing. Reduce modelling time, with sharing of all related discipline engineering data, and eliminate errors in equipment sizing, cable lengths and capacity. ETAP’s AVEVA Data Exchange allows: